Every Body is Welcome.

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PTL Fit Camp is a 1-hour group workout designed to burn fat and get you one step closer to your body goals. Every workout is led by a knowledgeable coach and is designed to deliver results in a safe, total-body approach. You’ll join a community of individuals who show up, cheer each other on, and get stronger together. 

Why Fit Camp?

Reduce excess body weight, improve cardiovascular endurance, and increase lean muscle mass in this total body workout. 

Make lifelong friends and personal cheerleaders.

Eliminate boredom with a high energy soundtrack that keeps you motivated. 

Prevent injury with an experienced fitness coach that keeps a watchful eye and allowing for modifications when needed.



What will I be doing?

Each session, you’ll find yourself pushing through a variety of exercises that include a mix of strength training, calisthenics, weight training, cardio, and bodyweight movements.

Join us every Tuesday and Thursday at 7:00 pm, Saturday mornings at 9:30 am and Sunday at 8:30 am for just $15 per session. Contact us to reserve your spot. *Walk-ins welcome.